So, my second Sunday here, after my first full week in Bogota, I went out in search of a bike. It was kind of a long walk, and by the time I got there all the shops were closed. But, I got these pictures, and got to spend a nice sunday afternoon strolling through Bogota.
I walked through this plaza on my way home from work every day (I have a bike now, so I'm not there as often). It's at the intersection of the east-west street closest to my apartment with the Septima, 7th Ave, the main street. The Gold Museum faces onto this plaza as well.
Different corner, same plaza- a street performer has gathered a crowd.
...And picks someone to dance with!
Next up, a clown.
In a much bigger, farther away plaza, people mill around. These two little girls in matching outfits made me happy.
Finally, I got to the street with all the bike shops. My disappointment was curbed by the pretty view out to the mountains- still just as dominant a part of the skylines twenty blocks away as they are two blocks away, where I live.
Bogota has 7.3 million inhabitants, so it can get pretty crowded and lively. Shortly after taking this photos, I stopped and bought a bunch of fresh tangerines from a man with a handcart piled high with them. I ate one as I mosied the rest of the way home.
I swung by the Plaza Bolivar (the main square) on my way home, where I joined some other people in smiling ridiculously at this tiny, tiny little girl giggling hysterically as she chased after these two adorably petite puppies- one was a little puffball, the other a baby terrier. Sadly, my camera's battery was dead, but trust me: it was a cute overload moment.
It seems to me people are more laissez faire in Bogota. I don't think I've ever seen a street performer gather such a large crowd unless it was a part of a city wide carnival or something. I mean, in the big cities I've lived in/visited (D.C., SF, London, Paris) people need a license for that stuff. In Columbia it seems to just happen and people are into it. In the U.S. I feel like most people are just concerned with getting from point A to point B and couldn't care less about clowns.